As part of the Junior Infants Induction Programme into Primary School, we vary the times that the Junior Infants children attend for the first 3 weeks.
This allows your child to become more comfortable and confident in the primary school setting.
Please see the details below:

Wednesday 29th August – Friday 31st August 2018:
School starts for Junior Infant pupils at 9am.
Parents are encouraged to bring children into the room and stay with them until they settle in.
Junior Infants are then collected at the classroom door at 11.00am.
Teachers release the children. It is important that parents do not call children/take children out of the room. This allows for the teachers to get to recognise you and get to know you.

Monday 3rd September – Friday 7th September 2018:
School starts for Junior Infant pupils at the NORMAL TIME of 8.30am.
Children and parents can congregate in the yard together before 8.30am in the allocated space for each class (marked with the class name and a cone). When the Junior Infant teachers come out to the yard, children (& parents) can follow the teacher into the classrooms.
Junior Infants are then collected at the classroom door at 11.30am.

Monday 10th September – Friday 14th September 2018:
School starts for Junior Infant pupils at the normal time of 8.30am.
Children are all encouraged to line up in the yard in the allocated spaces for each class. The class teachers collect the children from the yard. Children are encouraged to follow the teachers independently into the classrooms.
Junior Infants are then collected in the yard at 12 noon. Children line up in the basketball court. Parents wait outside the gate. The class teachers will release each individual child to parents/known adult.

Monday 17th September 2018 – Rest of the Year
School starts for Junior Infant pupils at the normal time of 8.30am. Children line up in yard independently. If parents wish to stay with their child, they are asked to wait outside the yard.
Junior Infants are then collected in the yard at 1.10pm.

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We are now taking enrolments for Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class, 4th Class, 5th Class and 6th Class.

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