Looking for a school place in Dublin 15?Apply ONLINE HERELimited number of places available for the current 2024/25 academic school year, for an IMMEDIATE START.Please complete this form NOW. |

Junior Infant 2025/2026
Link for application form (LIVE on 1/11/2024)
The following are the dates applicable for admission to Junior Infants for 2025/2026 academic year
| 1/11/2024 |
| 22/11/2024 @2pm |
| 29/11/2024 |
| 6/12/2024 |
2025/2026 Admission Notice (Mainstream only)
Twins & Siblings Practice in Powerstown ETNS
Please note that it is our practice to place twins (& siblings) in separate classes, for the following reasons:
- This practice is based on our experience as school staff and the experience of parents and twin (sibling) children who have passed through the school.
- Placing twins (sbilings) in separate classes best supports children as unique individuals and it benefits the children in terms of their emotional, personal and social development and is consistent with our ethos of child-centredness.
- Engaging with different teachers and classmates and developing individual circles of friends is an enriching experience for both the children and the parents.
- We have always found that as children grow older, it becomes even more important to recognise and nurture a sense of self and also to enable children to have separate experiences throughout the school day.
- Our teachers work closely together at each class level so that plans, homework, activities, trips are very similar in both classes.
Please refer to Admission Policy and our Admission Notice
Inclusion Ireland / Connect Family Network Links
1. Section 29 Appeal
Department of Education – Appealing refusal of a school place or expulsion.
Section 29 Appeals Application Form
Section 29 Appeal – Introduction
2. July provision
An extension to the school year for children with autism or a severe/profound intellectual disability..
Home based July Provision 2017 Information
3. National Council for Special Education (NCSE) – Useful Information Leaflets
Information for Parents/Guardians of Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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