Dear Parents/ Guardians,

On Friday December 8th we are having our annual “Winter Fair Fundraiser” from 1pm to 3pm in our School Hall. This will be an action packed, fun family day out.

There will be plenty of children’s entertainment including a children’s disco, face painting, party games, photo booth, jumble sale, art exhibition & much, much more! We are also expecting a very special visitor! Santa will be dropping by with presents for the boys and girls. There is no entrance fee.

This event is open to the entire school community, so bring along your friends, neighbours and relatives!!

We are currently looking for raffle prizes, toys, baked goods and volunteers.

Raffle Prizes:

We have asked businesses in Tyrrelstown village to donate raffle prizes. Unfortunately uptake has been very slow. We are looking for as many raffle prizes as we can get. Parents can donate raffle prizes and/or approach businesses or companies to donate raffle prizes. Examples of previous raffle prizes include; food hampers, wine, chocolates, perfume, jewellery, children’s toys, board games, vouchers for Smyths, vouchers for Blanchardstown Shopping Centre etc. Letters of request for the donation of a raffle prize are available from the office.

Toys and Bake Sale:

We will have a toy and baked goods table for sale at the fair. If any parents have old toys that are in good condition that they would like to donate they can do so on Thursday, December 7th. Parents who would like to donate baked goods for the bake sale can drop these into the school on the morning of the Winter fair, Friday, December 8th.


We need the support of parents before, during and after the event to make it a success! To ensure that all parents and volunteers can enjoy the day, we want to try and make a rota for people at different stations. It would be much appreciated if every family in the school could volunteer for at least one job. Then we can make 30 minute rotas at the different stations.

Please click on the link below to see the list of areas we need volunteers in and fill in the form if you can volunteer:

Thanks again, for all you do!

Kind regards,


Cróna Glynn (Acting Principal)

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