From Thursday 13th of June until Wednesday 19th of June 2013 we are having ” Active Schools Week”.
The aims of Active Schools Week and Active Schools Programme is:
To raise awareness of the importance of physical education in primary schools.
To acknowledge the professional contribution of the class teacher as the driving force for physical education, physical activity and sport in the school.
To make explicit the teaching and learning opportunities afforded by PE.
To generate the sustained support of management, teachers, pupils, parents, National Governing Bodies (N.G.B.s), local sports partnerships and the H.S.E. during the course of Active School Week and in the promotion of Physical Education and co-curricular activities
To acknowledge the creativity, initiative and commitment of a school community in the promotion of a physically educated school population.
To promote values such as inclusivity, team work, fair play, tolerance, respect and volunteerism.To promote goals such as:
the importance of enjoyment and play
maximum participation by all children
the development of skills and understanding
a balance between competitive and non competitive activities
a balance between contact and non contact activities
opportunities for achievement for each child
activities equally suitable for boys and girls.
We have a very busy timetable for Active Schools Week here in Powerstown ETNS.
Thursday 13/06/13 |
Friday 14/06/13 |
Monday 17/06/13 |
Tuesday 18/06/13 |
Wednesday 19/06/13 |
Drop Everything and Dance |
Sponsored Walk 10.30 am I will look at map and have a copy for everyone |
Parachute Activities 10 mins per class
Whole school Ship Sea Shore contest |
Junior Sports day (quick dash around stations!) |
Stations in yard at lunchtime (Snr class to help) |
Stations in yard at lunchtime (Snr class to help) |
Stations in yard at lunchtime (Snr class to help) |
Stations in yard at lunchtime (Snr class to help) |
Stations in yard at lunchtime (Snr class to help) |
Conga line around the school Whole school @12.30? |
Penalties on Andy Whole school @ 12.30 |
Ash before lunch Chestnut after lunch Oak before home time How many laps of bball court can they do in 5/10 mins |
Cycle / Scooting activity |
Student vs Staff |
All day: Drop everything and Dance
11.45am the Oak class will begin our running challenge, by running laps of the basketball court for 10mins. 80m a lap.
Oak class will help organise a few active stations for yard time. E.g. skipping, star jumps, hopping on one foot etc.
Whole school Conga Line around the building
10.30am Sponsored Walk.
Penalty Shoot Out @ 12.30pm!
Parachute Activities, 10 mins per class
9.30 am Chestnut class
9.45am Ash class
11.30 Oak class
12.30 5 mins (10min if they are able) per class laps of basketball court…how many can they do?
Whole School Ship Sea Shore Competition (weather permitting)
Cycle / Scoot around the yard
Morning time: Mini sports Day for Junior classes (weather permitting).
Students Vs teachers match
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