We have noticed so many families cycling to school over the last few weeks, such a great way to get to and from school!!
This week is Bike Week and Fingal County Council are running a virtual cycling event called “Pedal for your Medal”. It is a 50km cycle challenge where participants are asked to complete an accumulated distance of 50kms cycling during bike week.
However, we realise this is a lot to ask of primary school children and would like to involve them by making it a little easier on their legs whilst also encouraging them to participate.
We are hoping that the younger children could register for their 50kms during Bike Week with a view of them completing 50kms by the end of October. In return for their completed 50kms they will receive their very only 50km bespoke medal designed by MMI Group.
Follow the link here to sign up and start counting your KMs!
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