The Bizworld Adventure starts for 5th class next week.

The BizWorld Ireland programme is comprised of two distinct phases:

  1. A two-day BizWorld workshop, delivered in a classroom setting by a specially-trained BizWorld Ireland tutor. During the workshop, classes are split into groups and each group develops their own mini enterprise. At the end of the workshop, they get to pitch their business ideas to a visiting ‘Dragon’, usually a representative from the local business community. This workshops take place on the 24th and 28th of September in the school. Children will decide on their “class business”.
  2. The BIZ Factor competition, where enterprises developed in schools throughout Ireland compete against each other to win the coveted ‘BizWorld Enterprise of the Year’ award.

What is Bizworld? Why are we participating?

How many times have you heard a friend or colleague say they don’t really understand their pay-slip or they’re no good at budgeting, or they have no business sense?

Generations of Irish children reached adulthood with only limited awareness of enterprise and financial management because entrepreneurship programmes were not on offer in Irish schools, particularly at primary level. Even today, what’s the only subject taught at secondary level that isn’t offered in primary schools? Business!

BizWorld Ireland aims to address this issue, by partnering with schools throughout the country to deliver tailored enterprise workshops for 10- to 13-year-olds.

Instilling an entrepreneurial spirit in children from a young age, and developing their awareness of financial management, means they are equipped to become financially responsible members of society. Because BizWorld Ireland workshops are delivered in fun and creative ways, they also make children excited at the prospect of maybe one day establishing their own business.

Education in the past was geared towards giving young people the skills and knowledge necessary to get a job. At BizWorld Ireland, we aim to provide children with the tools and inspiration to someday become employers themselves.

The skills children develop in BizWorld Ireland workshops are the most sought-after skills in the workforce today: creativity, collaboration, communication, teamwork, negotiation.



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