April Learn Together Update 2018
Monthly Theme: The Environment
All classes strongly encouraged to use forest school/school garden and complete environmental lessons!
Strands: Ethics and the Environment
Strand Units: Knowledge and awareness of environmental issues; Activation of responsibility and stewardship
Notice Boards: Theme – The Environment
Downstairs: Chestnut
Upstairs: Hazel
Assembly: Theme – The Environment
April |
Friday 6th |
Spring Break |
n/a |
n/a |
Friday 13th* |
Ethics & the Environment |
The Environment |
Ash |
Rowan |
Friday 20th |
Chestnut |
Lime |
Friday 27th |
Willow |
Hazel |
* Whole School Assembly – Families
Main Religious calendar events
Easter (Christianity) 1st April 2018
Baisakhi (Sihkism) 14th April 2018 (NB This is the big one in Sikhism)
World Events:
2nd – ASD Awareness Day
7th – World Health Day
22nd – Earth Day
School Events:
Bag2School (27th April)
Spring Clean (26th April)
Note: Student Council may make the decision to hold other events/activities during this month and they will inform you about this as soon as possible.
NB: **Note Re: Intercultural May **
In May the whole school celebrates our lovely multicultural community. Last year was the third year we ran it – each class chose a country (or more than one in senior classes) to focus on for the month. This work was not meant to be on top of curricular subjects, rather that you examine the country under each subject area – Stories and poems in English/Drama; Explore the history of the country in History; Learn about the location and physical geography in Geography. Examine art from county in Visual Art; Listen to traditional music from the country in Music; Play games/Learn dances from country in P.E. The culmination of all this work should be in a variety of project work which will be on display in the Hall for parents on Intercultural Day – Thursday 24th May. Parents will be treated to a fantastic performance from each class (which will be based on the country they are studying so bare this is mind)
This year we will combine the Intercultural Breakfast (where parents are invited to bring traditional foods from around the world to share) with our grand official opening on June 1st;
To help with the integration of the projects and subjects – senior classes are assigned continents within which they can choose one or more country to study so that the intercultural work will complement curricular content of subjects in the whole school history and geography plans. 3rd Class: Australasia 4th Class: Africa 5th Class: Asia; 6th Class: Europe
Junior Infants – 2nd Class are free to choose any country – possibly one that it represented by people within the student body of those classes. –
Parent involvement is key! Parents are encouraged to be involved as much as possible during the month, even coming in to read a story from the country being studied or helping out with an art lesson etc. We are aiming to have different countries covered every year to ensure all families in the school are represented in this event over the course of a few years. Equally though, the country does not have to be one that is represented by children in your class.
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