We are currently introducing a new Maths initiative in Powerstown called ‘Maths Eyes’ focusing on ways to make maths more relevant to both children and parents. It focuses on maths we see all around us every day in our environment.
The initiative aims to:
- Develop the maths eyes of the pupils in school (Every child has maths eyes – they just need to be opened!)
- Help children to make the link between mathematics and the real world.
- Build people’s confidence in their use of maths in their life.
- Empower people and build their confidence in own maths knowledge and skills (empowered parents are more confident in supporting their children’s learning)
- Build a positive image of maths
Ciarán O’ Sullivan from Tallaght I.T. has kindly agreed to come into school to discuss Maths Eyes and how both children and parents can benefit from using it. We would like to invite all parents into school on Friday 29th of November from 11.00-12.00 to listen to Ciarán explain what Maths Eyes is and how you as parents can support your child’s learning.
Who? | Junior & Senior Infants
1st/ 2nd class &
3rd/ 4th/ 5th class |
When? | Friday 29th November
11.00-11.25 |
Friday 29th November
11.25-12.00 |
Where? | Chestnut Class | Sycamore Class |
For further information on Maths Eyes please visit www.haveyougotmathseyes.com.
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