Maths Week 2019 was a huge success with all classes getting involved! We had lots of different activities going on during the week and here are some of them!

Maths Art

Classes created art based on different mathematical concepts. Junior classes worked on art based on shapes while the senior classes worked on tessellating shapes! Here are some examples:

Maths Trails

Classes went on walks around the school building and grounds to answer mathematical questions! They had to estimate and measure things, count, find examples of shapes around the building. and lots more!


IZAK9 cubes are interactive cubes that challenge the children to problem solve and work as a team to complete various maths based tasks. They are great fun but encourage concrete maths learning.

Guess the Weight of the Pumpkin

Classes were asked to hold their class pumpkin and guess the weight. As assembly on Friday the results were announced and the children that guessed closest to the weight got to take it home! 5th and 6th also worked really hard on collecting all the data from the different classes and creating charts which were on display in the hall!

This year we were fortunate enough to have visitors to all classes. These visitors spoke the classes about the use of maths in their work. It is so important for the children to see how maths is used outside the school and everyone at PETNS would like to thank Sinead, Maria, and Marius for giving up their spare time to come and speak to our pupils.



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