We were delighted to be able to secure our bike racks, with a purpose built shed generously funded by Fingal County Council Active Travel.

There is a strong culture of walking, cycling and scooting to Powerstown ETNS, however 3 bike thefts on the school grounds in December left children devastated and parents very frustrated. 

The PTA and Board of Management discussed options on how we can secure children’s bikes and continue to promote cycling to school. We got quotes for putting a shed/cage up, however it was very expensive.

We contacted @fingalcoco and were delighted to hear back from David Storey  and his colleague  Sarah McGrath. Sarah worked tirelessly with the school to tender the work required and we were delighted when Sarah secured the work of BA Steel Fabrication.  Derek Power and his team did a fantastic job!

We are looking forward to seeing our bike shed full again, especially with 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th class pupils returning on Monday

@fingalcoco #ActiveTravel @davestorey18 @smidgemcg #ThankYou




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