
We had a fantastic session on Thursday with our second module of the You Can Do It Programme – Avoid Common Mistakes that “Good Parents Make”. 

Our Moule on Thursday 5th of November is “Be Emotional Resilient.” Classes are really supportive and welcoming. New attendees are always welcome. As always tea and coffee will be ready for you on a Thursday morning. 


We had a fantastic session on Thursday with our first module of the You Can Do It Programme. We had 10 parents in attendance and the workshop was very interactive and personal. Workshop will be on EVERY Thursday @8.45am. New parents are always welcome to attend.

As you are know, we have introduced the You Can Do It Programme in all classes throughout the school. As with all educational activities, to make this programme a success it is essential parents are on board, understand the programme and support it’s implementation

We are organising 10 modules to train the parents on the YCDI Programme

Start date: Thursday 15th October

Time: 8.45am 

Where: Parents’ Room.


To sign up please fill form below:



Details of the Modules covered:

Module 1: Parenting Today – What You Need to Know and Do

Module 2: Avoid Common Mistakes that “Good” Parents Make

Module 3: Be Emotionally Resilient

Module 4:  Develop Positive Relationships with Your Child

Module 5; Communicate To Your Children High and Realistic Expectations for Achievement and Behaviour

Module 6: Be Involved in Your Children’s Education

Module 7: Provide Children with Responsibility and Involve them in Decision Making

Module 8: Provide Activities that Accommodate Children’s Interests

Module 9: Motivate Your Children

Module 10: Develop Your Children’s Social Emotional Competence



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