Hi Everyone!

Our newly elected PTA Committee had our first meeting on Wednesday! It was a really positive meeting, whereby we decided roles within the PTA, organising WhatsApp Groups for new classes and as a means of communication and discussed possible targets for the year.

Roles in our PTA Committee;

Maribel Siewierska is our Chairperson. 

Alexandra Cotorobaiis our Secreatry

Caroline Barden is our Treasurer

Timi Kacskovics is our Communication Co-ordinator

Juli Turek is our Fundraising Co-ordinator

We aim to share videos/pictures of PTA members next week to make us easily identifiable to the school community. 


Last year’s PTA worked really hard on creating an infographic in relation to Communication, which was approved at our AGM on 30th September and as agreed we are adding a paragraph about WhatsApp groups to our PTA constitution. 

PTA committee members are currently sorting out “admins” on Whatsapp Groups. PTA will ensure parents know who admin is for each class level, once we have it established. This will encourage communication channels between PTA committee and all our parents/guardians to be open and active. It will also assist PTA invite new school members to the groups. 

PTA committee will continue to share information with parents/guardians of the school via WhatsApp groups! 

Parents can also email suggestions/ideas to ptamail@powerstownet.com

Action plans for the year

PTA are actively seeking ideas on how to promote

  1. Communication – supporting parents with communication in the context of COVID
  2. Parent involvement with the school in the context of COVID, creating a sense of community
  3. School events in the context of COVID
  4. Parking & Traffic Management

PTA kindly ask for feedback on same before 30th October so we can discuss your feedback at our next Committee meeting. (email ptamail@powerstownet.com, or contact your class Whatsapp Admin)

PTA constitution

PTA constitution is on PTA page on school website: https://www.powerstownet.com/parent-teacher-association/. A lot of time was spent by parents creating this document, and it is well worth reading. 


Our PTA AGM was hosted on 30th September 2020 via zoom. All parents/guardians were invited to attend. Minutes of our AGM are also on our website, detailing committee members who were nominated. https://www.powerstownet.com/parent-teacher-association/



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