[gview file=”https://www.powerstownet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Public-Meeting-notice.pdf”]

Parents, Community Members and Friends,

Powerstown ETNS are hosting a public meeting in relation to the proposed variation to our current site on the Powerstown Road on Tuesday 11th march 2014 at 7pm.

Powerstown Educate Together National School are working hard to ensure that we get our PERMANENT BUILDING. We want to stay here, on the Powerstown Road – not move over to Tyrrelstown Village – close to where the other schools are located.

To do this WE NEED YOUR HELP!                                                     

Powerstown ETNS is on building list for construction to start during 2014/2015.

Fingal county council currently have a proposed variation on display. However it only allows for one school to be on this site!

To ensure we get to stay here, we are having a PUBLIC MEETING on Tuesday 11th March @7pm. We are inviting local councillors and residents and need ALL OUR PARENTS to attend so our voices can be heard.

We are also inviting parents and pupils to make public submissions to remain on the Powerstown Road site, and to contact our local councillors so they know we want to stay here.



Here are some of the reasons we have been told so far:

  • 60% of the school population travel from Tyrrelstown. 20% of our pupils travel from Mulhuddart,  20% of our pupils travel from surrounding areas such as Huntstown, finglas, Hartstown, Blanchardstown.
  • We are the closest Educate Together National School to Mulhuddart, Finglas, Huntstown and Hartstown. Education should allow for parental choice. Due to our current location families in these areas find us accessible by bus, walking and driving.
  • The ethos of our school is inclusive and welcomes all children and families from our community (irrespective of religion, culture and educational needs.)
  • Our surroundings on the Powerstown Road support our Green School programme, our Discovery Primary Science and Maths programme, our school garden and nature programme. We have become accustomed to feeding birds and squirrels, and going on nature trails and maths trails in our immediate vicinity. .
  • We have a large student population that walk / cycle /scoot to the school. By moving us to potential sites beside Tyrrelstown Park, we would be creating a huge burden on our local residents who will not have access to a primary school in their immediate locality, that they can continue to walk to, cycle to and scoot to.
  • The other areas zoned community, (that may have potential to house a school) are a considerable distance away from the Powerstown Road (30 minute walk) at the far side of Tyrrelstown Park. This zoned area already caters for over 2,600 children with current primary school and pending secondary school. It makes no reasonable sense to have all educational campuses located beside each other..
  • Due to Tyrrelstown Educate Together and St. Luke’s National School, there are huge problems in Tyrrelstown Town Centre in relation to traffic. This is already hazardous and a major health and safety concern and the secondary school catering for 1000 pupils is not yet open. Therefore this problem is only going to escalate.



  1. Speak to Helena / staff in morning and answer some questions that we can put in a presentation for councillors
  2. If you are interested in speaking at the public meeting, please let Helena know. [We are looking for a diverse group of parents; parents who live in Tyrrlestown, Mulhuddart and surrounding areas; moms and dads; parents of pupils with Special Needs; parents from a range of different cultures; parents who practice different religions; parents who want our permanent building to stay on Powerstown Road]. 
  3. If you permit your child to speak at the public meeting, please let Helena know.
  4. Please attend our public meeting on TUESDAY 11th MARCH @7pm
  5. Please contact our local councillors via email asking them to support our submission to stay on the Powerstown Road – giving YOUR reasons why we should stay in situ.
  6. Please make a submission via email requesting that Powerstown Educate Together National School stay onsite on Powerstown Road to devplan@fingal.ie. We suggest you request ‘to make a submission to amend the point 3 of the proposed variation for Tyrrelstown, Dublin 15.To “Insert Local Objective to read ‘Provide for two primary schools’ as you believe Powerstown ETNS should remain on the Powerstown Road.’
  7. Sign our blank postcards that can be forwarded to Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department.

Thanks for your continuous support!

Board of Management, Staff, pupils & PTA



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