student of the weekCongratulations to our Students’ of the Week 16/9/2016.

Please check class blogs for photos!

Class Student Reason for award
Chestnut Yani Tsoneva Being very confident in saying out her days of the week
Ash Sarah Si Xuan Li always listening to the teacher, being ready to learn and being kind to others
Oak Maria Verenciuc great effort and patterns made in maths lessons
Sycamore Scott Kelsh Thinking hard and asking excellent questions when we were learning about schools long ago
Rose Lucas Mac Lámha  
Willow Rhianna Puica For being really organised and kind to herself and others
Birch Matias Ison For always being positive and showing a great “You Can Do It” attitude
Hazel Bana Alazhari For fantastic neat work in all of her copybooks. Her work is a credit to the terrific effort she has made in keeping fantastic standards in the Hazel Class!
Lime Corey Onofomi For trying her best, being attentive and helpful to others
Redwood Nathan For creating a fantastic beginning for his narrative story with lots of adverbs and adjectives!
Rowan Seema For always being positive in class and for excellent bar graph presentation in Maths.



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