student of the weekCongratulations to our students of the week for week ending 28/10/2016.

 Junior Assembly


 Senior Assembly


Class Student Reason for award
Chestnut Emily Great participation in class and excellent speaking
Ash Ryan A
Oak Carly For following the teacher’s instructions very well, and following the Classroom Rules
Sycamore Dilara For fantastic behaviour at all times- she sets a good example to everyone by always following our Good Listening Rules.
Rose Riannette
Willow Jassim For working so hard this week. Jassim put in so much effort to concentrate, listen to his teacher and and try his best
Birch John Mark for working hard in his English stations and using nice manners around school.
Hazel Zak for making excellent choices all week long! His behavior is fantastic and he sets a great example for everyone in the class!
Lime Zudayze
Redwood Deivid for completing his homework neatly every night and for always clearly and neatly labelling his work.
Rowan Hassan





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