student of the weekCongratulations to all our Students of the Week who were given awards today, 7th of October, in Assembly!

Class Student Reason for award
Chestnut Zoe Mulhall Excellent participation each day in school. Lovely manners and playing nicely with others
Ash Emilia she is tries her best with all her work and is a kind and helpful friend.
Oak Karina For good participation in stations and in class, especially Tricky Word Station and Gaeilge.
Sycamore Manaal For super effort in all that she does- she is trying hard to learn her Tricky Words and vocabulary about the Opticians
Rose Stacey
Willow Ilyas Ali For excellent behaviour and concentration during stations. Ilyas has shown great listening to his teachers and a persistent effort in his learning. Well done Ilyas!
Birch Wemmy For working hard to remember to raising her hand and waiting her turn to speak
Hazel Iulia for working in maths all week long! Her copybook work is fantastic and she has been making a huge effort in keeping her work neat and presentable! Well done Iulia!
Lime Taylor For being such a hard worker and always making an effort to take part in lessons. She uses her key of persistence to be successful and happy!
Redwood Sarah For always concentrating during stations this week and working really well at independent stations! Amazing work Sarah!
Rowan Jasmin For excellent work in station teaching, following all the classroom rules and for being kind and helpful to all classmates.



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