ET together one day

The Educate Together national fundraising day is Friday 18 November 2016

‘One Day Together’ makes all the difference in supporting the work Educate Together does.

Together, Educate Together wants to make sure all families in Ireland have choice!

More and more families want their children educated in an atmosphere of equality. Parents want their children to grow and develop as confident and caring citizens in a global and diverse world. Teachers want to work an environment that guarantees and promotes equality. In every county in Ireland, families are seeking the choice to send their children to Educate Together schools.

Opening 90 Educate Together schools over the last 40 years has taken courage, perseverance and determination on the part of parents and teachers all over Ireland. There have been many challenges to overcome, and while there is no shortage of voluntary and community initiative at local level, financial support is required to open schools and make change happen.

As we receive less than 20% of our funding from the state, we really need your support on One Day Together. Please get involved and help us raise the funds we need to support our existing schools and to work to open new schools so that more children are given the opportunity of experiencing an equality-based education.

Every donation helps us to:

  • support our schools to provide a truly child-centred education,
  • open more schools to give balance to the system and choice to parents and,
  • develop a second-level education that is fit for purpose in today’s rapidly-changing, information-rich society.


What else can you do to get involved? 

Donate! Simply make a contribution to Educate Together online!


mad hat and hair dayTo support Educate Together PETNS are having a Mad Hat and Hair Day on Friday 18th November. 

The entire school community is invited to come to school with the craziest hair or hat possible.

Children are asked to bring in €2 for the event. 



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