Traffic Management Plan for Powerstown Road Schools

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  1. DROP OFF ZONE: Use the designated drop off area (highlighted in red above) from 8:20 am. Your child will be directed by staff members to the yard (or hall on wet/frosty day) for supervised assembly time.
  2. PARK: Avail of one of the 32 parking spaces currently designated as parking facilities on site (highlighted in green P squares above). These spaces are taken on a first-come first-served basis.
  3. DISABLED PARKING: These 3 areas are for cars that have disabled permits and the school bus only.

If the designated parking spaces are full and you still wish to park your car, you have two options

  • You can avail of the drop-off facility for your child(ren) (highlighted in red above), exit the site and re-enter in the hope of securing a space in the designated parking areas (highlighted in green P) to park your car upon re-entry. If a space is still unavailable, continue to exit and re-enter the site until a space becomes available to you.
  • You can decide not to drop your child(ren) off in the drop-off zone (highlighted in red above), exit the site and re-enter in the hope of securing a space in the designated parking areas (highlighted in green P) to park your car upon re-entry. If a space is still unavailable, continue to exit and re-enter the site until a space becomes available to you.




School collection times are different to morning drop-off times for two main reasons.

1)     The traffic volume is reduced due to the staggered collection times on site.

2)     Pupils must be released to a designated adult directly from the yard and may need to park their cars to do so.

3)     Many children walk/cycle home (from 3rd – 6th class).



  • Therefore, the drop-off zone (highlighted in red) can be used to park your car for a short period of time AT COLLECTION TIMES ONLY. It is important that you return to your car as soon as possible to vacate the drop off zone to minimise traffic congestion.
  • Should you need to stay on site for a longer period for a meeting etc. please park in the designated parking bays (highlighted in green P)
  • DISABLED PARKING: These 3 areas are for cars that have disabled permits and the school bus only.



ü  We provide morning supervision from 8:20-8:30a.m. to allow parents to drop their children to school earlier than scheduled.

ü  We have school staff outside the school building guiding pupils to the yard from 8:20-8:30a.m. from the drop-off zone.

ü  We’ve supported the ground-work on having a ‘walking bus’ for those who live in Tyrrelstown. We hope that this might be up and running at some stage in the New Year once all conditions are met for the venture.

ü  The school Board have raised concerns consistently with the Dept. of Education (DES) in relation to the planned parking facilities for our school site. We are told repeatedly by the DES that we will not be given any more spaces for car-parking on site. They only provide very limited parking facilities and drop-off areas for all schools. Despite numerous appeals, the school Board have no control over what they are given.



ü  Walk to school with your child(ren) or avail of the ‘Waking- Bus’ initiative if you live locally and the weather allows.

ü  If you expect to park your car on site, be in school early enough to secure a spot in the designated areas (highlighted in blue)

ü  Avail of the 10 minutes of morning supervision provided by the school.

ü  Drop your child(ren) off the in the designated drop-off areas (highlighted in red) and allow them to be guided to the assembly area by school staff.

ü  Do not park on the curb or block pedestrian crossings when parking your car on site at any time.

ü  Park your car within the lines drawn in the designated parking area!

ü  Please also recognise that morning school runs can be equally stressful for parents AND school staff. You are trying to get you child(ren) to school on time and we are trying to meet the health and safety needs of our school community.



Staff kindly volunteer to stand outside the school every morning

  • to provide a drop-off facility for parents and pupils,
  • to help minimise traffic congestions,
  • and to ensure the health and safety of our pupils and school community.

We do not choose to stand outside the school every morning to cause stress and angst to parents, so please work with us to make morning drop offs a positive experience for everyone.



The same rules apply to both school communities on site.

These parking restrictions are enforced on the school by the Department of Education and Fingal County Council and outside the control of the Board of Management of both schools.



It might be worth considering launching a joint campaign between the Parents Associations of both Powerstown Educate Together & Gaelscoil an Chuilinn to address the lack of parking facilities provided for on the site. This may have to be addressed with Councillors from Fingal County Council to make additional space available on adjoining grounds to facilitate school parking. Perhaps then an approach to the DES to supply funding to secure and supply parking for the site. Please attend the next PTA meeting on Tuesday December 6th if this is something that you are interested in pursuing.



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