The Board of Management (BoM) supports the strong community spirit in Powerstown ETNS and honours the values of transparency and honesty to communicate with our school community, especially throughout this pandemic. 

The BoM greatly appreciate parents informing the school of any positive cases in their household and informing the school if they are “close contacts” outside of the school setting. 

If there is a positive case of Covid 19 in the school, the following protocol will be followed by the Board of Management;

  1. The school will inform you that there is a positive case in the school
  2. The school will inform you if the positive case is in your child’s class
  3. If your child is considered a “close contact” after public health assessment, the school will contact you to inform you that your child is a close contact.
  4. Your child’s name and your contact details will be shared with Public Health doctors.
  5. Your child will be invited for a Covid 19 test by public health on Day 1 or 2 AND Day 10.
  6. Please share a screenshot of results with the school via This will allow us to promptly follow up with Public Health teams.
  7. You must share a screenshot of the Day 10 test result to If you do not share Day 10 results, the BoM will assume your child tested positive and require you to complete a further 10 days isolation as per HSE guidelines for positive Covid 19 test prior to returning to school.
  8. All parents must complete a Declaration form via Aladdin by 4pm the day before their child is expected to return to school.
  9. Children will not be permitted to access the school building without the declaration form being completed.

If the Board of Management cannot make contact with public health officials to complete a risk assessment on the day of notification of a positive case in the school, the Board of Management will take a pre-cautionary approach. The Board of Management will close the necessary class(es) until the assessment can be completed. The Board will inform the school community if a pre-cautionary approach is enacted.



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