The Department of Education has emphasised “that staff
engagement should be requested through the school and will be provided by telephone or online.”
If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher, please following the following protocols:
- Email your child’s teacher and request an appointment. You can also phone / email school office.
- The teacher will inform you of available day/times for a meeting
- Meeting will be scheduled and held via zoom or over the telephone
It is important to acknowledge that words can be “lost in translation”/misinterpreted via email. It is important that the tone of emails remain polite and respectful at all times. If unsure, please request a phone call/zoom.
Zoom/phone conversations may also be challenging due to particular content/upset. Exceptional circumstances may apply, whereby the Board of Management may approve an outdoor meeting / large well ventilated meeting room. However any such meetings will have strict time limits and must be approved in writing by the Board of Management.
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