Sewing mornings will be held in the school on Tuesdays twice a month starting on Tue the 2nd of February at 9.45-11.45. These are held in cooperation with a sewing teacher, Veronica.
We will be sewing an item per class, focusing on useful household accessories and decorative pieces. You are more than welcome to give suggestions or ideas of what you’d like to make.
Only 6 places are available so please register as soon as possible in the office.
You will need to bring your own sewing machine and material along with other sewing notions to each class.
At our first class we will be making a small holder to hang your phone in while it’s charging. You will need a piece of sturdy fabric at least 30 cm 50cm.
If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact Veronica directly at My2Trolls@gmail.com or Julitaturek@Icloud.com
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