Reading Eggs

We are excited to welcome you and your child to Reading Eggs. This is a multi-award winning online reading programme. The highly interactive and personalised learning journey will build your child’s reading at their own pace on a fun and safe digital platform.

Your child can access Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress on a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device. They also have access to a huge online library of over 2500 ebooks to enjoy whenever they want. 

Please see parent guides below



Why are we using Reading Eggs @Powerstown ETNS?

Reading Eggs incorporates a wide variety of effective, research-based, learning activities within a highly motivational framework that help to keep students on task for longer periods of time. Through an interactive Web-based program, the design of Reading Eggs uses the following instructional elements that have been shown to be highly effective components of reading programs as evidenced in the research literature:

  • an early and continued focus on phonemic awareness and phonics – the alphabetic principle
  • building automaticity (instant recall) of a core list of high-frequency sight words
  • repetition of activities and re-reading of texts to build fluency
  • a wide range of motivational elements
  • a variety of instructional formats
  • parental involvement
  • vocabulary activities that build understanding
  • comprehension strategies that ensure reading for meaning is central.

Reading and understanding real books is the goal of every Reading Eggs lesson

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