SPHE – two things to note for September

  1. “Healthy Habits of Mind” Month  

“Accepting myself, Taking Risks, Giving Effort, Setting Goals and Thinking First”- are the Healthy Habits- these are what we want to promote- maybe choose one to start with! The Healthy Habits are displayed under our curved stairs- might be a good teaching tool out of class!

  1. Mind-Training– a tool to help promote positive feelings! 



Strand Units


Whole School Activities

Restorative Practices

Linkage with other subjects


Self Identity

Making Decisions

Foundation- Getting Started with YCDI

Teach the following Positive Habits of the Mind .

(see your class YCDI manual and choose one, maybe two habits to teach based on your preference for what’s important for your class to have.)

habits of mind image .jpg

  • Introduce Circle Time

  • Introduce school rules

  • Mindful Bell- introduce to junior infants.  Maeve happy to come and demonstrate how its done in class- just ask especially new teachers!

Teach Meditation Script (role play etc. )

Circle Time- Establish a F.R.E.S.H. environment for year ahead . lots of info on google drive or can borrow book from Pine class if needed)


Learn Together- meditative spirit development, student councils elections. Peace song

English Themes- all about me etc.


You Can Do It Programme

Why are we doing it?

The YCDI Programme’s aim to grow healthy mindsets and develop life skills so that the child is happy and successful in school life.

5 lessons each month based around whole school theme of:

  • Organisation (Oct)

  • Emotional Resilience (November- December)

  • Getting Along (Jan, Feb ,March)

  • Persistence  (April )

  • Confidence (May , June)



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