Here are some of the fun activities we will be doing over the coming weeks in the Ash Class.

Learn together:

 This week we will be learning about our local habitat to celebrate Habitat Day 1st October.  We will go on a nature walk around the school to observe the changes occurring in the environment and we will conduct an environmental audit of the school for the green schools.  We will also look at road safety as part of safety week and will learn the safe cross code song. 

 Next week we will be celebrating space week.  We will watch clips of the moon landing, read stories about space such as ‘Winnie in Space’ and ‘The Sea of Tranquility’ and we will do some space themed art. 


Parental Involvement:

We would like to thank all of the parents who came in to teach us about languages last week for Language Week.  We learned some words, phrases, rhymes and songs in Urdu, Telugu, Deutsch, Romanian, English and Bini.   


Thank you also to the parents who have come in so far for shared reading on Monday mornings.  All parents are welcome to join us 8.30-8.40am every Monday.  We would also love to hear stories in other languages so if you have any children’s story books at home that you would like to share with us in another language we would love to hear them too! 


Maths Week

We will be celebrating maths week in the third week of October.  There will be events taking place during the week in class and in the whole school.  You are invited to come in to play maths games with us during the week.  Details of times will be sent home before the event but if you would be interested in participating please let Lorraine know. 



Please keep an eye on the Ash Class Blog on the website for any news and events coming up!  We will post photos from our activities and any news we have for you.  Homework will be updated monthly and if there are any changes to the homework e.g. additional worksheets/parent and child projects I will explain these on the homework page of the blog. 



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