Board-of-Management1 As you may be aware the school’s Board of Management consists of  two parents of children enrolled in the school (one being a mother and the other a father. These parents must be elected by the general body of parents of children enrolled in the school. 

We currently have a vacancy for a male parent nominee.

In order to obtain nominations we are first writing to each parent to obtain consent for the circulation of each parent’s name and personal details to all other parents. 

Please find below Consent Form.  If you are interested in being nominated as parent nominee to the Board of Management please complete the Consent Form and return it to the school no later than Thursday 8th of September 2016 so that the school may furnish your details to other parents.  Only tick the box if you are happy for the information that relates to that box to be supplied to other parents.  

If your spouse/partner (being a parent of a child in the school) wishes to be nominated s/he must furnish the school with a separate Consent Form. Thank you  

For more information for parents on the Board of Management please see guidelines below from the NPC. [gview file=””]



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