ptaWelcome to our PTA update for 8th of April 2016. 

PTA, staff and BOM would like to thank Carina for all her hard work as Chairperson since September. We are all sad to see her step down as Chair and appreciate all she has done for the school and PTA.

Theo was nominated as PTA new Chairperson on Monday’s meeting (4th of April). Congratulations Theo!

New Parents’ RoomParents have received the plans for the new Parents’ Room in our permanent building. A group of interested parents are meeting on Monday morning at 8.45 am (11th of April) to discuss room plan. They hope to design a warm, welcoming room that will encourage parental involvement for years to come. 

Rainbow Fair Fundraiser: A subgroup of the PTA are meeting on Monday morning at 8.45 am (11th of April)  to discuss the Rainbow Fair. It was a huge success last year and we want to meet to discuss options and ideas. We are restricted space wise this year as we have no basketball courts. Parents would love to hear your ideas about activities, stalls, timings, and what we should fundraise for. Please come along if you are free

Coffee Morning:   Our weekly coffee mornings continue on a Friday morning @8.45am. A great opportunity to meet other parents, have a chat, find out about events and about the community.

Walking Group: Walking Group meets around 3 times per week, where parents to a 5km block. New parents always welcome. Check out parents board in Parents’ Room when we are going again.

Art Group: Art classes are continuing every Wednesday morning at 8.45am. New parents always welcome.

Cookery Group: Cookery group are continuing to meet every 2nd Friday. Check out the board in the Parents’ Room for more details.  Cookery group meet after coffee morning. 

Volunteers needed 9.9.2016:  Italian Embassy are kindly donating tree barkings for our forest school. We are collecting them in Lucan at 12 noon on Saturday the 9th of April and bringing them to the school. If you can help please let Helena know. 



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