Dear Parents,
Welcome to Junior Infants! We are looking forward to getting to know your child and working with you over the next year to support your child’s education. In order to get a “jump start” in developing a relationship with your child you can help us by filling out the following information and returning it to me as soon as possible.
You can return it by hand or email it to /
Knowing what interests your child helps us to develop a curriculum that is exciting and meaningful for them. Knowing areas you perceive as more difficult for your child helps us to stretch and encourage your child in new areas or places s/he might be tempted to avoid. Thanks for your help.
Parents are the most important people in a child’s life and we need to work together for the benefit of your child.
With home and school working together I know that each and every student can have the most successful year yet.
Helena Trench (Principal)
This form can be completed online (below), downloaded and emailed to or downloaded and dropped into the school.
Click here to download Putting Children’s Interests First form (word document)
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