We hope you are keeping well and safe during this unprecedented & challenging time.
Our main priority is the health and well-being of our school community, and we, as a staff want to support you & your child(ren) in any way we can. This is a time of stress and anxiety for many households. I do not want school work to be part of that stress. It is important that we keep everything in perspective.
With school closures expected to extend beyond March 29th, the staff have been exploring and evaluating how best to support your child(ren) & your family in a realistic way. This is a global emergency, impacting us all in many ways. Staff are just trying to find their feet (through many trials & errors) & move forward in a way that best supports our school community!
We all know “distance-learning” is extremely challenging at primary level, especially at the junior end of the school! There is no “one shoe fits all” approach possible. You are your child’s primary educator. It is your right and your choice to decide if / when your child engages in work assigned by the teacher. If you decide your child will spend the day baking, making obstacles or watching tv, you have earned that right as you are the parent, it is in the constitution! At this moment in time school work is nothing to stress or feel guilty about.
Many of our parents are also working from home. Distance learning for pupils and working from home is HUGELY challenging. Priority is your job, your income, your livelihood. As a mom of 3 children I know how busy it is! Engaging your child in some activities may be possible, but make it work for you. Please don’t make “school work” another stresser in your household.
Many of our families also have children with additional needs! The break in routine and structure of school can be so challenging for these parents. The added anxiety of this emergency situation on some children can be very difficult to manage. We just want you to know we are hear to support you in any way we can.
Needless to say, we want to do right by our school community. To do this effectively we need your support & feedback.
It would be much appreciated if you could spare a few minutes to complete form below.
I am on email regularly. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch.
Look after yourselves and each other.
Stay safe
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