As you are aware swimming dates are fast approaching.
I would like to take this opportunity to reassure parents and guardians that there are more than adequate numbers of staff assigned to each swimming class to cater for the needs of every child attending swimming lessons.
However, we are delighted that some parents wish to volunteer to support the swimming lessons. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Please see below guidelines for parent volunteers:
This is just a gentle reminder that any parents/guardians who wish to attend the pool for swimming lessons MUST BE GARDA VETTED. No exemptions can be made (more details below).
Class teachers will be provided with relevant names of garda vetted parents.
Strictly NO CAMERAS are allowed at the swimming pool. Any parent/guardian seen with a mobile phone and/or camera will be asked to leave the swimming pool immediately. Incident will be reported to principal and a child protection report made. Parent/guardian will not be permitted to attend swimming pool for the remaining lessons.
Please follow the directions of staff. They are aware of the time restrictions in place and they are responsible for every pupil in their class for the duration of the school day.
Bus space is limited therefore parents/guardians must make their own way to and from the pool.
 January 20, 2018
Normal school day applies. All children should be dropped to school for 8.30am and collected at 1.10pm/2.10pm depending on class level.
Thank you for your continued support.
Since the introduction of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 – 2016 there is now a statutory requirement that people who carry out relevant work (i.e. work that involves regular access to and/or contact with children and/or vulnerable adults) must be vetted prior to commencing employment or relevant volunteer work. 
Criminal offences now apply to Boards of Management in the event of failure to comply with these requirements. 
Garda vetting application summary
1. Complete NVB1 form (attached)
2.Return form to school with proof of identification and proof of address (ID form attached)
3. The principal verifies identification and then forward relevant documentation to the Patron.
4. The applicant will then receive a NVB2 form via email which they must complete
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