Just a quick reminder about the school’s Traffic Management Plan. The area in front of PETNS is DROP OFF ONLY in the mornings.

Parents must release children to a staff member superivisng in the Drop Off Area who will ensure they are safely supervised as they make their way to morning assembly.

If you wish to walk your child to morning assembly you must park in the PARKING AREA which is located just inside entrance gates at the top of the hill.

Please note that Disabled Parking Bay is strictly reserved for children who have a physical disability that require assistance to get to the assembly area and the school bus.

We have over 300 children being dropped to the school every morning. Please respect the Drop Off Area so all children can safely make their way to the yard.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Please find Traffic Management Plan attached for your attention.


[gview file=”https://www.powerstownet.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/TMP_1Dec2016.pdf”]



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