Last week the Maple class decided to do an experiment about bacteria for Science Week. Firstly, we got our ingredients (bread, table, door handle, washed and unwashed hands); we then spread the bread onto the objects and waited for a couple days. To summarise, the table had a bunch of germs and fungus, this is what happens when you don’t disinfect the table regularly. Unwashed hands are actually almost the same as the washed but with slightly more mould.The washed hands are a bit clean but overall it’s safe to say that it is not edible. And finally the door handle was very disgusting, almost matching the table in germs.

The results from our science experiment show that it is very important to keep washing your hands!!
Last week the Maple class decided to do an experiment about bacteria for Science Week. Firstly, we got our ingredients (bread, table, door handle, washed and unwashed hands); we then spread the bread onto the objects and waited for a couple days. To summarise, the table had a bunch of germs and fungus, this is what happens when you don’t disinfect the table regularly. Unwashed hands are actually almost the same as the washed but with slightly more mould.The washed hands are a bit clean but overall it’s safe to say that it is not edible. And finally the door handle was very disgusting, almost matching the table in germs.
The results from our science experiment show that it is very important to keep washing your hands!!
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