We hope that those who could spend the midterm break with their kids had an enjoyable week.
PTA had a very productive meeting this week and here are the highlights.
– PTA is in the process of establishing a committee to deal with traffic/parking issues together with Gaelscoil an Chuilinn.
– As winter fair will not be possible this year due to Covid19 restrictions, some new ideas popped up about how we can support the school with some fundraising. Any suggestions from the school community is welcome at this time.
– PTA is liaising with companies to organize school lunch for those who are interested. Survey will go out to parents soon.
– Class WhatsApp groups: Thanks to the parents who were already members for supporting us and welcoming all new members who joined the class groups recently. The group admin (class representative) will share information from school/PTA and some duplications will appear but we hope you will find the groups useful. It is a positive, open forum and we would like to encourage parents to communicate in the group about school related topics and share information that they think might be useful for other parents. You can also contact the class WhatsApp group administrator (class representative) privately with queries you may have.
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