Parents, we received the information below from Optical Rooms with information on services they offer.

Dear Principal,

We are writing to offer our services and advice on best practice regarding children’s vision, their vision development, and the importance of early intervention.

At present public health nurses carry out vision screening problems for primary school children aged approximately 7 and 11. There are two major flaws in this current model. Many serious vision problems can affect a child’s vision from a much earlier age, and thus have an impact on their ability to learn to read. Secondly, having detected a potential problem, public health nurses then refer the child for a comprehensive HSE examination, the waiting time for such examinations taking up to 18 months at present. At this young age, early intervention is critical, and 18 months is simply too long to wait for an appointment.

We would like to offer the parents and children of your school the opportunity to avail of a reduced cost €10 vision screening in our GP based optical clinic, where we can then advise if a full examination at the cost of €25 is necessary. Little to no waiting time will be involved, and in many cases referral to an ophthalmologist will be unnecessary.

We would also like to offer teachers, parents and children the opportunity for our optometrists to visit your school, to talk about the importance of healthy eye sight and early intervention. As every child is being exposed to digital devices on a daily basis, this is resulting in excessive fatigue and strain on their visual system. On Monday last, there featured an article in some of the National newspapers on the issue of digital screens and the effect they are having on the eyes of the next generation, as well as OpticalRooms comments and suggestions on the topic. This is an area we feel parents would benefit having a wider understanding of. This complimentary talk could be arranged to coincide with your AGM, an open day, or any other time you feel may be suitable.


If you would like more information, or would like to avail of either of these opportunities, please contact us by email, or by phoning 01-7790999.

Kind Regards

Don Stack F.A.O.I

Liz Grennan F.A.O.I

Sandra Walsh F.A.O.I

Opticalrooms Limited (510465)

i) Meridian Clinic, Roselawn S.C.                                          
Blanchardstown Dublin 15.                                                   
ii) Hanover Medical Centre
5 Lazer Lane
Dublin 2
Tel: 01 779 0999 



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