Internet Safety is a very topical issue at the moment. Accessibility to the internet is easier than ever now, with the use of computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and computer games.However, it is essential that children are taught how to use the internet safely and appropriately.

Senior Classes are currently engaging in the Blue Star Programme. This will require a lot of project work and children will require internet access to complete projects to a satisfactory level.

To ensure you child’s understanding of how to use the internet and how to use it safely, we will be introducing 1st – 4th class to the Webwise programme over the coming weeks.

Children have all received a letter in relation to internet use. It is imperative that you as parents, sit down with your child and complete the questionnaire and usage agreement together.

Click here to view letter sent home.

What is Webwise?

Webwise, the Irish Safer Internet Centre promotes the safe, responsible use of the Internet and mobile devices by children and young people. It is co-funded by the European Union Safer Internet Programme and the Department of Education and Skills. The aim of Webwise is to ensure that children, young people, schools and parents are aware of the benefits of the Internet as well as its risks.

Top 10 Internet Safety Tips for Parents

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Here are some other useful documents

Social Networking Guide for Parents

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Play and Learn: A Guide for Parents of 4 – 8 year olds

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Parental Guide for children from6 – 12 years old

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Parental Guide to Cyberbullying

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Further information for parents is available on





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