
WHO: Junior Infant pupils 

WHEN: Friday 6th of November 2015

WHERE: In school

Junior Infant pupils will have vision and hearing screening on Friday 6th of November in school.

Parents/guardians have already completed permission forms.

Parents/Guardians do not need to attend school on the 6th of November.

If your child requires further assessment, the HSE will get in touch directly with you. HSE may also inform class teacher who will discuss any concerns with you. 


HSE Information:

Hearing and vision tests are given to children from birth to check that their senses are developing properly. As well as checking that hearing and vision are normal for the child, the tests look for any conditions that make it difficult to hear or see, such as glue ear or a squint.

Serious hearing and vision loss in childhood is uncommon. It is estimated that 1 to 2 babies in every 1,000 are born with hearing loss in one or both ears, and 6 out of every 10,000 children become severely visually impaired or blind by the time they are 16. It is important that hearing and vision problems are diagnosed as early as possible. If left, they can have a big impact on a child’s development.

Although you will be offered routine tests for your children as part of the early childhood and school screening programme, if you have any concerns about your child’s eyesight or hearing at any time, take them to your GP. If your GP thinks there may be a problem, your child will be referred to a consultant who specialises in eye or ear health.

For more information go to http://www.hse.ie/eng/health/az/H/Hearing-and-vision-tests-for-children/.



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