shoe_box_appeal_2014Deadline for your contribution for Shoe Box Appeal is Friday 9th of November.

We were very fortunate to have staff from “Team Hope” call out to the school and share their photos and experiences of delivering Shoe Boxes to underpriviledged children before midterm. All children brought home leaflets explaining what can and cannot go into shoeboxes.

It is a fantastic gesture, and staff and pupils are eager to dontate shoeboxes once again this year!

Keep reading to find out more!


It is the ultimate story – genuine, caring people in Ireland from homes and schools, businesses, groups etc. across Ireland, having an impact all across Africa and Eastern Europe. Boxes of joy and hope packed by you and delivered by us to children in up to a dozen countries


YOU! Since we’ve started, we have delivered almost 2.8 million shoeboxes with goodies packed individually by you. Every year thousands of volunteers, students, parents, and community leaders rally together across all of Ireland to selflessly pack shoeboxes that we then deliver to children in real need.


They are forgotten children – victims of war, disease or poverty. Children living on the edge, in some of the poorest countries in the world. For families living on less than €1 a day, they do not know what gifts are. BUT your shoebox will bring a little hope, a lot of laughter and smiles, and a practical expression of thoughtfulnees and love, for children who have very little.

How it works

We ask you to fill a shoebox with a range of simple thoughful gifts, and drop it off at PETNS on or before November 7th, and we will do the rest! Team Hope will then check to make sure the boxes meet all customs and safety requirements, seal it and send it on its way by truck or container. Our network of incredible partners will deliver it right into a child’s hands – in places such as hospitals, schools, shelters, churches, orphanages, community centres or family homes.

No, a shoebox won’t change everything, but it will do far more than we could ever imagine, by bringing gifts to children who have never experienced anything like it before! As an optional extra and with local leaders’ agreement, we also give a card – explaining where their box came from, about Ireland and the significance of the Christmas message.


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